Imatinib is a small molecule kinase inhibitor. The BCR-ABL kinase can phosphorylate a series of downstream substrates, leading to proliferation of mature granulocytes. Bcr-Abl kinase substrate is the tyrosine. The Protein Tyrosine Kinase activity is an important requirement for malignant transformation, and that it cannot be complemented by any downstream effector, though not all interactions of BCR-ABL with other proteins are phosphotyrosine dependent.
Divide the mass of chlorine by the molar mass of cobalt chloride, then multiply by 100.
Molar Mass of Cobalt Chloride.
Mass of Chlorine in Cobalt Chloride.
Percent Composition of Chlorine.
1. Option A. Temperature and Salinity
2. Option D. (I think)
3. Option D.
Hope your test goes well!