Possession of inherited adaptations that maximize fitness.
Basically ones that are best adapted for their environment. (I'm assuming "he" is Darwin?)
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Nucleotides are A & T and G&C you see in DNA and in RNA T is Replaced by U. The reason they must be balanced between G&C and T&A is because G has to bond with A in DNA and G with C so if there is more G than C that means there is mismatches between the DNA nucleotides same thing for A and T. In RNA you follow the same rule. If we have lets say 27% of our DNA as A we have to have 27% as T leaving 23% as C and 23% as G. If there was lets say 29% T while one 27% A then there was a error in DNA replication and could lead to errors in RNA synthesis if not corrected
Abiotic factors are factors that are not caused by the activities of living organism
examples rain, wind, temperature and sunlight
D, the black squirrels have survived because black has provided them with an advantage in this environment.
We'll see mostly ever marine life depends on plants in the ocean for example shrimp eat the sea grass and a fish eat that shrimp then a bigger fish eats the fish next a seal eat the fish then a shark eats the seal and sadly my poor sharks are becoming extinct humans evil people hunt them slice up their fins and throw them back in the ocean alive to slowly die
Please save the shark and recycle to keep plastic out of are oceans