Q1. D. The animals risk their lives to return home.
Q2. D. The animals risk their lives to return home.
Q3. A. Averaging a book a year, Blume's many works have been sold around the world.
Q4. B. Four decades, many awards, best known for pre-teen novels.
Q5. D. Blume is a gifted writer who can write for children as well as adults.
Time passes quickly.It is a way how things move, it depends if your bored then you feel like time is going to slow and when your having fun it's like wow already!
Battle Royal. Brownies. Dead Men's Path. Everyday Use. The Gift of the Magi . The House on
If she <em>has</em> her laptop with her, she <em>should</em><em> </em><em>email</em> me. I guess?