It will be simple to keep in touch and send pertinent, interesting stuff if the database is well arranged.
The database should be organized by contact type as one of the primary methods. Marketing to the contacts is much simpler when you know who they are. One knows the drill: buyer, seller, sphere, former client, referral. There's a good likelihood that each contact will receive more than one type. Sort the contacts into groups based on the properties they currently own or intend to purchase. One can then share information with them that is pertinent to them. For instance, one will be the first to alert condo buyers when a new property hits the market that matches their preferences. Many claims that the most crucial aspect of real estate is location. It's important to consider the neighborhood, surrounding schools, walkability, and facilities.
To learn more about the database refer to:
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Action Research is an approach that brings together researchers and end users (theory and practice) to give practical outcomes through a process of shared knowledge creation that gives the end users to undertake practice change.
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