The answer to the question: In the U.S Constitution the fugitive slave clause kept the condition of bondage for a slave even if he or she escaped to a free state?, is, yes, the Fugitive Slave Law provided that if an escaped slave was found, be it in a free state, or anywhere else, he or she must be returned to their owner.
This clause made part of the Articles of Confederation of the U.S Constitution, and represented most of its Article IV, Section 2, clause 3. It also became a point of conflict during and after the Civil War, as it irked abolitionists who opposed such a law. It was finally repealed when the Thirteenth Amendment was passed. However, it is also important to know that most northern states refused from the outset of the law, during the Civil War, to enforce it.
Archaeology is a subfield of anthropology, which is the study of human culture. It offers a unique perspective on human history and culture that has contributed to our understanding of the ancient and recent past. It is the only field of study that covers all times periods and all geographic regions inhabited by humans; unlike history, which relies primarily upon written records and documents to interpret great lives and events.
<em>Prehistoric archaeology</em> focuses on past cultures that did not have written language and therefore relies primarily on excavation or data recovery to reveal cultural evidence. An archaeological site is any place where physical remains of past human activities exist. Even the smallest archaeological site may contain a wealth of important information.
The first person to be appointed to the vice-presidency under the Twenty-Fifth Amendment to the Constitution (and the first to become president after the appointment) was?
Select one:
a. Answer: (Gerald Ford.).
b. Richard Nixon.
c. Nelson Rockefeller.
d. Harry Truman.
e. Spiro Agnew.
Reason: The 25th. Amendments first use came in October 1973, When President Richard Nixon nominated Gerald Rudolph Ford to replace Spiro Agnew just two days after Agnew's resignation as Vice President. Part of the push to get Ford approved was related to an expanded constitutional role granted to the Vice President under the 25th. Amendment in cases, where the President was unable to serve temporarily, or permanently.
Hope that helps!!!! :) Have a great day!!!!
An oasis can be formed by an underground aquifer or river that creates enough pressure for water to seep to the surface, forming the oasis. These aquifers and natural springs allow for life to exist in harsh climates like the desert and are often well known to local herders, farmers, and travelers in the region.
programs aimed at reducing poverty levels in the city