<span>The Basics on Genes and Genetic Disorders</span>
Dichotomous keys typically stress identifying species by their scientific name, as each individual species has a unique scientific name. Dichotomous are very useful because they allow non-expert users to identify organisms by directing them to look at the known, important organisms.
fish - seahorse, clown fish
amphibians - frog, lizard
reptiles - alligator, cobra
birds - duck, falcon
mammals - human, cow
easiest way to remember is
franklin(fish) ate(amphibians) really(reptiles) big(birds) meals(mammals)
and for the animals that fall under those categories
Sam(seahorse) found(frog) a(alligator) dirty(duck) house(human)
<u>Answer</u>: The energy source that generates wind is actually the sun.
<u>Explanation</u>: The uneven heating of the Earth's surface by the sun gives rise to differences in atmospheric pressure. Areas such as deserts will warm the air masses above much more. As air is heated, it has a lower density as it expands and thus will form a point of low atmospheric pressure. The opposite situation applies for high pressure areas.The air movement from areas of high pressure to areas of lower pressure is what we call wind.
<span>indicate a common ancestor exists between two organisms
result from evolution in a similar environment
are features which organisms still have but no longer use
<span>develop when a mutation occurs in the DNA of an organism</span>