zero calorie group; high calorie group
In this question the control group is zero calorie group. The control group is made up of participants in an experiment that her not to receive the experimental treatment.
Experimental group on the other hand is the high-calorie group. This group has participants that are to receive the experimental treatment. that is the group that are to receive the high calorie sweetener.
The correct answer would be, The Power Elite.
Mills wrote: 'the power to make decisions of national and international consequences is now so clearly seated in political, military and economic institutions that other areas of society seem off to the side'. Mills was writing about The Power Elite.
C. Wright Mills was a Conflict Theorist. He wrote a book named The Power Elite, in 1956. In this book he wrote clearly about the interwoven interests of leaders. These leaders are from different big institutions other than the ordinary citizens.
These leaders are from the Military, Corporate and Political elements of the society. The ordinary citizen seems to have no power at all. All decisions are already made and dictated by the leaders of the society. The citizens are relatively powerless subject of manipulation.
Learn more about The Power Elite at:
The correct answer is: A lower performer.
In organizational settings, low performers are usually individuals who had the potential to be top performers, but voluntarily or involuntarily sabotage themselves and end up under-achieving.
They usually criticize work-place and blame other colleagues when things go wrong.
They are willing to do the minimum necessary to keep the job and usually are not very pro-active and diligent.
In this particular case, Kyongji is slightly more productive than Bernadette but she refuses to work overtime, often expresses negative opinions about the organization, and is often late. Bernadette is often willing to work overtimeand seldom misses work. Kyongji is probably a lower performer than Bernadette.
correct answer is B FAFSA