Computer is an example of electronic device.
The answer is "The global Address List (GAL) is publishes in the new certificates".
Describe the GAL with relate to smart card:
- The GAL is a part of the outlook, that allows the users to make a group of mutual contacts and resources specified for your G Suite domain and searchable directory.
- It provides the main mail app, that offers you to make global contacts, and also provides basic contact, with the use of business shares global addresses with others. In this process, the co-worker can change their smart card.
If you observe closely, you may see that these stars are shown only against some slides and not all of them.
The stars are just an indication that the particular slide has custom animation. That was you can quickly see at a glance if a slide has content that is animated.
The same star symbol is also shown when the slide itself has any slide transition set.