True but ask 2 face just in case
The health triangle is the measure of our body's efficiency and overall well being. The triangle is made up of social wellness, physical wellness and Mental/Emotional wellness. Each of the sides are equal in importance. The mental/emotional wellness is a key factor in accepting yourself and liking who you are and helps you express emotions. If the mental/emotional side of the triangle was unbalanced, one might experience depression and anxiety due to not being able to express their feelings as well as not being able to process stress.
I don’t quite understand the question? But LGBTQ means
Trans (switching genders)
And Queer
And anyone can be any of these, Men. Women, “them” and other personal identities
He noises your stomach makes, called borborygmi, are normal intestinal sounds that occur during the digestive process.
I would say ready to eat foods at a bakery, as those things are usually freshly made and not calculated for their nutritional value