Platypus is an Australian mammal that lives in deciduous forests. Platypus's bill is adapted in order to allow platypus to travell and find its way in the river without using vision. This adaptation is achieved through special receptors that sense touch and electricity. Platypus's feet are webbed, enabling them to swim fast and efficiently and move easily on muddy surfaces.
the clouhaudram is a representation of repitles with diffren chamberd hearts.Also the clauhgrdram is showing what reptile are in the same catogory besides the bird and the crocidile.
tauratura because they where her ner the time of dinosauros and then came snakes tthen ome snakes adapted to diffrent envirment and grew legs
the least related is a lizard and a tura tuar because they cam last the lizard did
hope this help
the atom that is most closely associated to living things is carbon
Ozone protects the Earth from harmful UV rays from the Sun.