Hazing is defined as any action or situation created by the members of a group as a way to introduce a person into the group and often harassment, embarrassment, physical discomfort or harm.
Hazing also involves forced consumption of alcohol.
It is done to prove their worth to join.
Some of the common places where hazing occurs are universities, colleges, schools, sports, clubs, societies, etc.
Hazing can be subtle, harassing and violent.
Of course! No matter if they’re disabled or not, everyone has the same rights as each other because at the end of the day we’re all human.
Karl Marx is the person who coined the term "conflict theory". He was using it in explaining conflict that resulted from the differences between social classes. Karl Marx said conflict resulted from the power differences between the social classes. His cure was the state should own all the property and industries then everyone should work for the common good of all.