The answer is<u> "historic linguistics".</u>
Historical linguistics is the study of not just the historical backdrop of dialects, as the name suggests, yet additionally the investigation of how dialects change, and how dialects are identified with each other. It may appear at first this would be a somewhat dull, uneventful field of study, yet that is a long way from reality.
The principle job of historical linguists is to figure out how dialects are connected. By and large, dialects can be appeared to be connected by having a substantial number of words in like manner that were not acquired (cognates). Languages regularly obtain words from each other, however these are typically not very hard to differentiate from different words.
Several words for cloth is fabric, material, textiles.
When a prosecutor makes a plea bargain they agree to make a deal if the defendant pleads guilty to specific charges, in return for specific concessions from the prosecutor. In jurisdictions with either the common law adversarial system or the civil law inquisitorial system, a prosecutor is a legal representative of the prosecution.
In a criminal trial, the prosecution is the legal party in charge of presenting the case against a person accused of breaking the law. The prosecutor typically represents the state or the government in the case brought against the accused. Prosecutors are often lawyers with a law degree who have been approved by the court.
To learn more about prosecutor, click here.
D. Most rainforests are near the equator