1. lung, pancreas, mouth, throat, bladder, liver, stomach, colon, and nose
2. nicotine
3. snuff, dissolvables
4. Social smokers are more than twice as likely to die of lung disease and more than eight times as likely to die of lung cancer than nonsmokers, according to research presented at the ERS 2020 virtual Congress.
5. try google for this one
6. benzene, formaldehyde, vinyl
7. cause problems for the baby
8. 3,000
9. google this one, i did but its a long answer
10. interventions, i need options to answer this one
the mother is responsible for hisor her child welfare
You should change your workout between 4-6 weeks because a workout works with your muscles to losen them once you have gotten your results in about 4-6 weeks you’ll be doing the same workout for nothing you can change your workout by doing things for your core or legs or by doing different workouts for the part of your body your working out.
A and C if it’s the thing I was doing