I would say that it would be a fitness training blog but it also depends on personal opinion.
Hope This Helps!
Amygdala, nucleus accumbens, ventral tegmental area (VTA)
It's hard to answer this one without options since a lot of the parts of our brain is responsible for this, some may be minor but still plays a role. But those 3 are what I think would play the major roles.
You can sustain an intentional injury like by flopping in basketball where you purposely try to get the referee to give your opponent a foul. You fall and act like you are hurt. In this act you put yourself at risk of actually getting hurt. An unintentional injury could be as a football quarterback and you are scanning the field of who you will throw to. All of a sudden you are hit from your blindside and hurt whatever body part as you go down. This was unintentional and you didn't mean for it to happen. Things that can reduce the risk of injury are staying out of foul trouble in a sport and making sure your body is ready to take hits that can come at any moment. You can prepare your body by stretching and loosening it up. Hope this helps!
When you feel the need to sneeze, the best step to follow would be to put the crease in your mid-arm up to your nose and sneeze into that. This will prevent germs from spreading to others if you sneeze into the air or your hand.