Foreign doctors have all kinds of different forms of training. But many are united by one common factor that seems to be operative especially in the Commonwealth countries — a great emphasis on the bedside exam and on clinical skills. In part, [this approach] was driven by the lack of ready access to all the kinds of sophisticated testing that we have now. But I think that kind of clinical training still serves me very well.
Answer: start by avoiding anything artificial, then pile on the green stuff, next keep a food journal, after that set healthy limits, lastly never let ur self get too full
It means the completion or approval of a finished and definitive version of something.
refusal strategy
got the answer on a test and my teacher told us the answer.
Eat Healthy food (avoid fatty, unhealthy foods)
Exercise, Mostly Cardio (Running, Walking, Jogging)
Limit meals to snacking 4-6 times a day, not eating huge portions all at once, like normal.
Do not over-eat, stay within your boundaries of how many calories your body needs per day
Stay positive: Having a positive attitude for all of the other steps is honestly a huge key, and staying committed to a plan that you have set.