Females usually have smaller foot prints and they usually step in a pigeon toed manner with a smaller stride. However males, usually walks with a straightforward foot or quite tilted outwards. This is how to differentiate strides of men from women. Stride is defined as to walk long though extending steps. Women also walks gracefully they tend to walk femininely by swinging they hips and walking with short steps. In contrast, men's hip is quite stiffed when walking and takes longer steps when walking.
main engines of creation of the proteins on which the body depends.
Difference # Open Store System:
1. There is no specific storage area. Stores are maintained in the form of Suitable/convenient locations.
2. Every individual has access to anystorage facility.
3. After the receipt of the material it is delivered to respective department to expedite the production activity.
4. Chances of Pilferage high.5. Less emphasis on accounting control of the material.
Difference # Closed Store System:
1. All materials are stored in a closed/controlled area.2. No other person than the stores personnel is permitted in the area.
Materials can leave or enter the storage area only by authorised documents.
4. Maximum Physical Security.
5. Tight accounting control of inventory material.