With a correlation coefficient of 0.109 you can not be confident at all; this is about as close to a random guess you could get.
Step-by-step explanation:
Lines of best fit are used to try to make a correlation (relationship) about data that will either be positive (uphill), negative (downhill) or no correlation (points are scattered). Correlation coefficients based off of a line of best fit will fall between -1 and +1 where -1 would represent a perfect negative relationship and +1 would represent a perfect positive relationship. A correlation coefficient of 0 would indicate that there is no relationship. So, if your data shows a correlation coefficient of 0.109, which is closest to 0 on a number line, then you can't be sure that your data has a very close relationship.
C for sure
Step-by-step explanation:
U =35.5
Step-by-step explanation:
Since this is a right angle, we can use trig functions
tan theta = opp/ adj
tan U = 5/7
Take the inverse of each side
tan ^-1 tan U = tan ^-1 (5/7)
U = 35.53767779
Round to the nearest tenth
U =35.5
There is no solution. Because the absolute value function finds the distance between the number and 0. And length is never negative.
So, |-x| = -10 has no solution.
Trigonometry can be used to measure the height of a building or mountains
Step-by-step explanation:
if you know the distance from where you observe the building and the angle of elevation you can easily find the height of the building. Similarly, if you have the value of one side and the angle of depression from the top of the building you can find and another side in the triangle, all you need to know is one side and angle of the triangle.