The Sons of Liberty popularized the use of tar and feathering to punish and humiliate offending government officials starting in 1767.
Regiones geográficas. Encerrado entre dos gigantes asiáticos (India y China), Nepal ha sido descrito como “jalea entre dos rocas”. Enclavado en la majestuosa cordillera del Himalaya (que en el idioma sánscrito significa ‘‘residencia de la nieve’’), el país está plagado de montañas y colinas.
<u>Technology</u> - The Indus Valley Civilization was an early civilisation in modern day Pakistan and India. They contributed immensely to the development of succeeding civilisations and one of the areas they did so was in technology. They were among the first to develop a reliable system of measurements and weights to be able to properly gauge instruments and structures they built.
They were also very proficient in architecture and built dockyards and warehouses. Even sewage systems have been discovered here.
<u>Writing</u> - The People of the IVC developed a system of writing known as Indus Script which consisted of symbols. They used these to communicate and record achievements and this paved the way for more advanced writing in the region in years to come.
<u>Transport</u> - The people of the IVC were one of the first users of wheeled transport. They used Bullock carts that utilized cows and even today those are still widespread in Asia. They also used boats and other types of water transport which was remarkable given the era and it is thought that they were one of the first explorers of the open sea. Using these crafts they were able to trade with other civilisations such as China and Mesopotamia.
The communities affected by human rights violations, government is currently supporting them . For example the lower caste which is inferior to all other castes their rights are constantly violated by othet communities or superior people but now government has endured fix wages , many policies , schemes , reserved seats. Due to which their rights are protected at some extent. They were given special protection.
Let's take one more example of such community whose rights are violated at a great extent- Adivasi community. They are found in majority. Their condition is pitiable from the point of view in comparison to social, economic and political.
Their lands were taken by many businesses mens and pay nothing. Government became conscious and given them compensation, rehabilitation and food security.