The nurse is caring for a group of patients on a medical/surgical unit. The assessment by the nurse that reflects objective data is finding is a head laceration.
A head laceration is a torn tissue in the brain region that can be due to a pushed bone or caused due to accidents. They can be mild to serious depending on the amount of damage done to the brain tissue.
It also requires a CT scan to know more about the injury caused. The head injury may take long to heal depending upon the degree of damage and the area of damage. It usually takes 7-14 days to heal while your scalp may itch a little during the meantime.
To know more about head lacerations refer to the link below
1) Black Flies are small black flies, the female of which sucks blood and can transmit a number of serious human and animal diseases. Large swarms sometimes cause distress to livestock and humans.
2) Malaria is an intermittent and remittent fever caused by a protozoan parasite that invades the red blood cells. The parasite is transmitted by mosquitoes in many tropical and subtropical regions.
3) Carnations are a doubled-flowered cultivated variety of clove pink, with gray-green leaves and showy pink, white, or red flowers.
4) Cattle are large ruminant animals with horns and cloven hoofs, domesticated for meat or milk, or as beasts of burden; cows.
5) Crabgrass is creeping grass that can become a serious weed.
When the cue ball hits another ball at an angle, the cue ball will keep some of its original velocity. Both balls will roll. The further off-center that you strike the ball, the more velocity the cue ball will keep.
It allows the police to perform unwarned interrogations. (That is so intresting to me!)