It helps to give the geographic location of photos.
A geotag is added into the photography information when it's taken. That info is part of the EXIF information of a photo that lists a bunch of data related to the photo, like the camera brand, model, the aperture, the speed, the ISO, and so on.
That's assuming the GPS info is available of course, but if it's taken by a phone, it has the GPS info. Most mid-range and upper-range cameras have it too.
That information is used for example by Google Maps to present photos taken at a specific location.
Submit command, as it hands in the data to the server
I couldn't find options to this question online but I will give you an explanation so you can choose the correct answer.
The term multimedia refers to something that uses multiple media simultaneously when transmitting information.
Examples of this can be:
- photographs
- sounds
- text
- video
Multimedia frames the objects and systems that use multiple physical or digital media to transmit content. It also refers to the media that store and disseminate these types of content.
Written in Python
import math
principal = 8000
rate = 0.025
for i in range(1, 11):
amount = principal + principal * rate
principal = amount
print("Year "+str(i)+": "+str(round(amount,2)))
This line imports math library
import math
This line initializes principal amount to 8000
principal = 8000
This line initializes rate to 0.025
rate = 0.025
The following is an iteration from year 1 to 10
for i in range(1, 11):
This calculates the amount at the end of the year
amount = principal + principal * rate
This calculates the amount at the beginning of the next year
principal = amount
This prints the calculated amount
print("Year "+str(i)+": "+str(round(amount,2)))