42 19 K→42 20 Ca+e−
Naturally-occurring potassium atoms have a weighted average atomic mass of 39.10 (as seen on most modern versions of the periodic table.) Each potassium atom contains 19 protons p+ and thus an average potassium atom contains about 39.10−19≈20 neutrons n0.
This particular isotope of potassium-42 contains 42 nucleons (i.e., protons and neutrons, combined;) Like other isotopes of potassium 19 out of these nucleons are protons; the rest 42−19=23 are therefore neutrons.
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because it is at the top of the halogen group, which is the second to right group on the periodic table. With halogens, the higher an element is in the column, the more reactive it is. Halogens are reactive because the outer shells that orbit the nucleus lack electrons.
also because it has low dissociation energy and the valence bonding is seen close to the nucleus hence the attraction for a new electron is greater and can gain an extra electron more easily.-if ur in a higer grade u will understand this
C₀=2 mol/l
c₁=0.400 mol/l
v₁=100.0 ml = 0.1 l
v₀=0.1*0.400/2=0.02 l = 20 ml
v(H₂O)=100 - 20 = 80 ml
It is necessary to mix 20 ml of the feed solution and 80 ml of water.