Answer: Because social characteristics such as class, gender, and ethnicity influence life chances, they are allocated unequally among individuals and groups. People in higher social classes have a better likelihood of getting adequate healthcare and decent housing than those in lower social classes.
They recommend a living will, through which a person decides which medical interventions would be desired or a durable power of attorney for healthcare, which appoints a specific person to act as their agent for medical decisions in the event the patient is unable to make such decisions.
a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being.
1)20 0z as 5 oz is serving size and serving per container is 4. multiply them together
2) its a food that has more calories from fats and is considered high calories from fat diet
It used to be thought that people could accidentally choke on their tongue while having a seizure, so people thought they hold the tongue down by putting something in their mouth. However, during a seizure people usually clench their jaw, which is one of the strongest muscles in the body. When they clench their jaw and something is in their mouth, they can break teeth. So it is no longer recommended to place anything in a seizing persons mouth.