1. 2588672 bits
2. 4308992 bits
3. The larger the data size of the cache, the larger the area of memory you will need to "search" making the access time and performance slower than the a cache with a smaller data size.
1. Number of bits in the first cache
Using the formula: (2^index bits) * (valid bits + tag bits + (data bits * 2^offset bits))
total bits = 2^15 (1+14+(32*2^1)) = 2588672 bits
2. Number of bits in the Cache with 16 word blocks
Using the formula: (2^index bits) * (valid bits + tag bits + (data bits * 2^offset bits))
total bits = 2^13(1 +13+(32*2^4)) = 4308992 bits
3. Caches are used to help achieve good performance with slow main memories. However, due to architectural limitations of cache, larger data size of cache are not as effective than the smaller data size. A larger cache will have a lower miss rate and a higher delay. The larger the data size of the cache, the larger the area of memory you will need to "search" making the access time and performance slower than the a cache with a smaller data size.
The raw materials of photosynthesis, water and carbon dioxide, enter the cells of the leaf, and the products of photosynthesis, sugar and oxygen, leave the leaf.
Written in Python
name = input("Name: ")
wageHours = int(input("Hours: "))
regPay = float(input("Wages: "))
if wageHours >= 60:
->total = (wageHours - 60) * 2 * regPay + 20 * 1.5 * regPay + regPay * 40
->total = wageHours * regPay
The program is self-explanatory.
On line 4, the program checks if wageHours is greater than 60.
If yes, the corresponding wage is calculated.
On line 6, if workHours is not up to 60, the total wages is calculated by multiplying workHours by regPay, since there's no provision for how to calculate total wages for hours less than 60
The required details is printed afterwards
Note that -> represents indentation
The following transcript has been encoded can you decode it???
It is a ceasar cipher. Shift every letter in the alphabet by 22 positions.
early photographers who were first painters
The Rule of Thirds is a compositional technique which states that image painting, photograph, graphic design should be divided into nine equally proportioned boxes by creating a grid with two vertical and two horizontal lines. The rule of third helps in making the picture more attractive and balanced
The rule of thirds was first used in landscape paintings by painters as early as 1797.