They can see how long ago the fossil was which tells you what time this creature/animal was from.
They can use dna to find out what creature it is and possibly discover a new species.
They go to a grocery store, rather than hunting.
Answer: Please refer to:
primary sources:
- Congressional Record, Daily Digest of Senate
Committee Meetings
- the ship’s logbook of explorer Vasco da Gama,
- the autobiography My Early Life by Winston
- The Letters of John and Abigail Adams, Penguin
Classics, 2003
secondary sources:
-The American Senate: An Insider’s History by
Neil McNeil and Richard A. Baker
- the PBS documentary John and Abigail
-Churchill The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill by
William Manchester and Paul Reid
-an article about the age of exploration in
Smithsonian magazine
Not sure but hope it helps.
This columns shows that partitioned ethnic groups have suffered significantly longer and more devastating civil wars. It also uncovers substantial spillovers as ethnic conflict spreads from the historical homeland of groups partitioned to nearby areas where non-split ethnicities reside