120X reads
The number of the calculated gap of .2% is refered to the genome size in the question. For instance, if we want to sequence 4Mb, the total number of readings will be 800 000. Thus, for a total information, there will be 80 000 000 bp (80 Mbp) which will be 20 times the coverage of the genomes. In fact, there is an insignificant change in the distribution of the genome depending on the size of the reads. Thus, the total information. What is likely to be affected is the general assembly of the genome. A maximum of 25 X on average will yield the about 250 bp. However, for 100 bp, there might be a need of more than 120 X.
All of the f2 generation were genotypically heterozygous for the dominant and recessive gene while phenotypically the same. the f1 generation mixed homozygous dominant with homozygous recessive resulting in the f2 generation all being the same
6 protons 6 neutrons and 6 electrons negative and postive both charges are shows
Diverticular disease is the condition