The 7x7 Rule states that a PowerPoint slide should have no more than seven lines of text and no more than seven words in each of those lines.
humans,washing mashines,dish washers
A bluetooth device in park/hold mode is part of the piconet but is in a low-power state. These are power saving modes of operation for Bluetooth devices which are connected to a piconet and are used when no data is to be transmitted.The hold mode is used when connecting several piconets or managing a low-power device such as temperature sensor. When the park mode is used t<span>he device is still synchronized to the piconet but does not participate in traffic.</span>
Cloud computing is a central form of storing data on a data center, provided online, to provides inexpensive and secure storage facilities and central accessing of document, using any device and accessing the data from anywhere and time.
Data stored in a clients computer system, would have to be transferred to another remote computer by using a portable storage, to share data. Using a cloud service or a database center service, a document can be accessed by a group of users at the same time, in different places, and assures a secure data in the database.
See explanation below
Previos concepts
First Come First Serve (FCFS) "is an operating system scheduling algorithm that automatically executes queued requests and processes in order of their arrival".
Shortest job next (SJN), or the shortest job first (SJF) or shortest "is a scheduling policy that selects for execution the waiting process with the smallest execution time".
Shortest remaining time (SRF) "is a scheduling method that is a preemptive version of shortest job next scheduling'".
Round robin (RR) is an algorithm where the time parts "are assigned to each process in equal portions and in circular order, handling all processes without priority"
Solution for the problem
Assuming the dataset given on the plot attached.
Part a
For this algorithm the result would be:
Job A 0-6
Job B 6-(6+3) = 6-9
Job C 9-(9+1) = 9-10
Job D 10-(10+4) = 10-14
Part b
For this algorithm the result would be:
Job A 0-6
Job C 6-(6+1) = 6-7
Job B 7-(7+3) = 7-10
Job D 10-(10+4) = 10-14
Part c
For this algorithm the result would be:
Job A 0-1 until 14
Job B 2-(2+3) = 2-5
Job C 3-(3+2) = 3-5
Job D 9-(9+5) = 9-14
Part d
For this algorithm the result would be:
Job A 0-2 , 7-9, 12-14
Job B 2-4, 9-10
Job C 4-(4+1) = 4-5
Job D 5-7, 10-12