Her protein intake is within the recommended range for protein.
Protein along with other macronutrients like carbohydrates and fats is an important part of our diet. It is made of amino acids and helps in muscle building, production of hormones and enzymes and maintaining the immune system. Although not the major source of calories, protein also contains four calories per gram.
According to US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), if a person has 2000 calorie diet they should consume at least 50 grams of protein which means at least 10% of calories should come from protein. The healthy range of calories from proteins is 12 to 20%. Kaiulani consumed 60 gm of protein in 2100 calories diet which means total 240 calories or 11.42% of total calories were obtained from protein. This number lies within the recommended range for protein.
The possible consequence will be a condition level deficiency certificate for the health care facility.
The Joint Commission (TJC) will survey the health care facility, and after the summary of the survey findings report, they will give the health care facility a condition level deficiency certificate because the facility does not follow the regulations that the TJC has set.
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Think about it antoni can't live without any reason that's why he's gotta have friends
practical solutions to prevent any harm caused by the infections to the patients and the health care workers.
The infection prevention and control (IPC) program is a program whose main responsibility is to protect the patient, the health care workers and the family of the patient form any harm that can be caused by the infections. It helps to reduce any transmission of the health care associated infections.
This program provides a practical solution which are designed to prevent the harm that can be caused by infections to the health care personnel as well as the patients.