18 days. It is the least common denominator of the two numbers.
Because you are solving to find the total amount and you were given that the tax is 8% you’d do $999 times 0.08 and you’d get $79.92 and then you’d add $79.92 to $999 to find the total amount charge to his card and you’d get $1078.92
If the two triangles are similar you can use a proportion to solve for the length of the legs.


Now, you would cross multiply to get
Now, you simplify that using the division property of equality.
You end up with
Therefore, the legs of the triangle with a base of 9 inches will each be 4.5 units long.
−7(x−-143− 65)(x− 4/65+3)
Step-by-step explanation:
i hope its right