Puberty, menopause, substance abuse, disease and pregnancy are the biggest ones.
Because for whatever reason, some women feel that they need to become as skinny as a pencil to be noticed. That, mixed with the uncertainty and hormonal unbalances of puberty, and they'll literally run themselves into the ground trying to reach the unattainable standard for beauty that society (mainly men) have set.
The Swiss developmental psychologist Jean Piaget used the term assimilation to explain the process in which people understand an experience in terms of their current stage of cognitive development and way of thinking. Assimilation is included in the adaptation process and includes the learning of new information and incorporation of that new information into our existing knowledge.
A BMI between 18.5 to 24.9 is considered healthy. below is considered underweight. 25 to 29.9 is overweight and above 30 is obese