Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT)
COBIT is a framework developed by the ISACA for managing and supervising Information Technology processes. Such kinds of frameworks allow companies to position themselves with the expectations that they and their clients expect. COBIT's aim is to provide management and business process owners with an IT control and governance model that helps deliver value from IT and identify and handle the IT-related risks. It helps bridge the gap between business needs, control requirements and technical issues. It is a paradigm of control for addressing the IT governance requirements and maintaining the security of knowledge and information systems. COBIT emphasizes on what allows processes to work well.
Following are the answer to this question:
The following is the list of name devices, which is used home network or the school lab.
- hrtr01(home router 1).
- schadmrtr02(school building router 2).
- clpc01, and clpc02 (computer laboratory pc 1 and 2)
- Its use as descriptive names as necessary without gives potential hacks much more relevant data.
- It provides only areas that are essential for both device identification.
- It allows the name for irrelevant or redundant information doesn't over-complicated.
To improve readability, use white
text on a dark green background but <span>the darker text on a lighter background
was rated more readable than lighter text on dark backgrounds according to
survey in every color combination. Example, red text on white background is
more readable than white text on red background.</span>
It depends on the situation
import "from random import randrange"
for printing random numbers between integers "random.randrange(num1, num2"
"random.randrange(start, stop, step)"
Parameter Values:
start - optional - an integer defining which position to start - default = 0
stop - required - an integer defining which position to end.
step - optional - an integer define the incrementation - default = 1
The syntax is a bit weird but I hope I was a help
To edit an existing pattern, double-click the pattern in the pattern swatch, or select an object containing the pattern and choose Object > Pattern > Edit Pattern