In order to find all of these, you first must convert the percentage to a decimal. This would be 13% to 0.13.
Now, multiply 0.13 by all of these into a calculator.
1800 • 0.13 = 234
950 • 0.13 = 123.50
2200 • 0.13 = 286
3000 • 0.13 = 390
2600 • 0.13 = 338
56 bags of a chocolate and a popsicle
Step-by-step explanation:
The first thing is to find the relationship between the number of popsicles and the number of chocolates, which would be the quotient of these:
100/56 = 1.78
Since it does not reach number two, you cannot add 2 popsicles and 2 chocolates, therefore the only way that they contain the same amount is that there is a chocolate and a popsicle, that is to say that a total of 56 bags would come out.
4 I think!! Please let me know if i’m wrong.
x = 11
Step-by-step explanation: