The arguments for the Compassionate Use Act include the following:
1. The patient has an acute disease or health condition. Also, whose life is being threaten.
2. The patient is not allowed to enter a clinical trial.
3. The patient benefit supports the potential risks of treatment.
4. The patient has no other treatment therapy for the disease or health condition
5. The investigative outcome of the treatment should not interfere with any trials that could support a medical's product development or marketing approval for the treatment indicated.
c. inner cell mass
The inner cell mass of the blastocyst forms the embryo while the outer layer, the trophoblast forms the placenta.
Answer:show the patient how to complete instructions and after you ask a question, give the patient a longer wait time for answers and additional questions
Answer: di mana kehidupan tertentu hidup misalnya Ikan yang tinggal di lautan Jadi pada dasarnya ia membuat beberapa kehidupan yang berbeza membentuk orang lain
Translation for anyone who wants to know: its where certain life lives for example A fish living in a ocean So basically it makes some life different form others
inhaled poison
Grimaldi was inside the bathroom when Jayla sprayed the aerosol bleach cleanser. The molecules of this cleanser spread quickly through the surroundings. Since the cat was inside the bathroom, <u>it could have inhaled the bleach and the poison reached its lungs.</u> This caused symptoms of <u>wheezing</u>, which is<em> respiratory</em> in nature, and shaking (seizures). Inhaling a poison leads to <em>difficult in breathing </em>among animals because it can cause the lungs to be inflamed.