(A) maintenance rehearsal.
Maintenance rehearsal refers to the process of deliberately repeating information over and over again. It involves practices based on repetition, usually without thought or making associations, so the information is stored in short-term memory. Therefore, Sean will write down the answers he has memorized, and he will not remember them afterwards.
Drought in the Sahel in the 1970s and 1980s made it look like the desert was expanding, because the reduction of rainfall at the desert margin (the Sahel) caused a reduction in vegetation. Warm, moist air rises near the equator, then cools and condenses its moisture, which falls as rain or snow
Answer: E. society's willingness to forego other goods and services, both public and private.
A country's government has to deal with the problem of limited resources all the time. It also has to deal with accountability. This means that the government will need to make decisions on budget allocation based on the preferences of citizens. If a large percentage of citizens want security to be improved at the expense of other goods and services, this is more likely to be implemented.