psychological contract
Psychological contracts are a set of 'promises' or 'expectations' that are exchanged between the parties in an employment relationship.
"She works with beliefs, perceptions, and informal obligations about what she is entitled to receive in return for what she provides to the organization."
Cons is that the person that is paying the wages could be losing money and potentially go out of buisness which would then out all of the buisnesses workers out of work with no income besides the unemployment wage
"The Democratic People's Republic of Korea" is the official name.
1 molecule of water. it is H20 (2 Hydrogens and One Oxygen)
POLICY IMPLEMENTATION: Policy implementation has to do with translating the goals and objectives of a policy into an action.
PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION: Problem identification is the first step in problem solving, it refers to the identification of the gap between the actual situation and the desired situation.
POLICY EVALUATION: Policy evaluation is the application of evaluation principles to the examination of the content and impact of an implemented policy, and evaluation is the process through which understanding of benefits is developed.
POLICY ADOPTION: Policy adoption has to do with the policy implementation stage where policies are accepted to be implemented in the future.
POLICY FORMULATION: Policy formulation refers to the development of processes that are effective as a course of action for addressing prevailing issues or such that are likely to arise.