Cirrhosis of the liver is a disease that effects the function of the liver. the liver has a function to clean out and detoxify the body. If at that point the liver cannot clean out the toxins you either have dialysis to help clean out the toxins in the liver. it causes the kidneys not to function correctly and you may need a kidney transplant.
A. is palisade mesophyll
B. is spongy mesophyll
- Palisade cells are found in the mesophyll of a leaf and their main function is the absorption of light so that photosynthesis can take place.
- The palisade mesophyll consists of chloroplasts with chlorophyll that absorb the light energy
- The mesophyll layer is made up of the palisade cell and spongy parts. #answerwithquality #BAL
Researchers initially built up the geologic time scale by considering rock layers and record fossils around the world. With this data, researchers put in Earth's stone layers in request by relative age. Afterward, radioactive dating decided the supreme age of the divisions in the geologic time scale.
Well depending on what the environmental change is the organisms will have to adapt, or move. if they don't they may not survive.
comment if you want an example or 2
if the promoterless lacZ is inserted close to any gene(s) or operon, then the laz gene will also be transcribed when the operon gets expressed. The polycystronic RNA will eventually produce a beta-galactosidase protein(product of lacZ gene) which will cleave X-Gal( structural analog to lactose), which will produce blue chromogenic substance.
prepare LB agar. Allow it to cool, add X-gal before it solidifies, pour to plates.
create grids and patch plate each strain on it. Just pick the strain that looks blue, amplify the sequence upstream of the lacZ and sequence it.
Just pick the strain that looks blue, amplify the sequence upstream of the lacZ, and sequence it.