Answer: A and C
Explanation:I did it before
Option E Components that interact to produce information
Information system is a system to collect, analyze and disseminate information. An information system consists of five components that work with each other to produce information:
- Computer hardware - physical machine that works with information
- Computer software - a set of computer instructions that tell computer hardware how to perform a task
- Telecommunications - components that connect a group of hardware as to establish a network. This usually includes WiFI technology.
- Databases and data warehouses - the place where the digital data are kept and retrieved.
- Human resources and procedures - human expertise that run the system by following some standard procedures.
I guess the correct answer is application
An applicatiοn layеr is an abstractiοn layеr that spеcifiеs thе sharеd cοmmunicatiοns prοtοcοls and intеrfacе mеthοds usеd by hοsts in a cοmmunicatiοns nеtwοrk. Thе applicatiοn layеr abstractiοn is usеd in bοth οf thе standard mοdеls οf cοmputеr nеtwοrking: thе Intеrnеt Prοtοcοl Suitе (TCP/IP) and thе ΟSI mοdеl. Althοugh bοth mοdеls usе thе samе tеrm fοr thеir rеspеctivе highеst lеvеl layеr, thе dеtailеd dеfinitiοns and purpοsеs arе diffеrеnt.
This is false.
What is cardinality?
Cardinality refers to the entity instances for which it is eligible to participate in a relationship instance. There are two types of cardinality, maximum and minimum.
What is maximum cardinality?
- The maximum cardinality of a relationship is the maximum number of instances of entity B that may be associated with each instance of entity A.
- Maximum cardinality: maximum number of entity instances that can participate in a relationship.
- One-to-One [1:1]
- One-to-Many [1:N]
- Many-to-Many [N:M]
To know more about maximum cardinality , refer: