B. it can reduce the chance of hurting your muscles!
Have a great day <3
what is their convorsation
Answer: MAPE
Explanation: MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) is a statistical measure of how accurate a forecast system is. It measures the size of the error in percentage terms.This scale sensitivity renders the MAPE close to worthless as an error measure for low-volume data where as MAD (Mean Absolute Deviation) measures the size of the error in units. Hence MAPE would be a more meaningful measure of forecast accuracy.
B. age identity.
Age identity refers to the process where an individual identifies himself/herself through different aspects of the aging process. It refers to the state of a person where he tends to think how he perceive his age process. He tends to ask himself to which age he belongs. It is a subjective experience of aging. For example, the people in the United States are more youth-oriented, therefore age identities are more adaptive to them.
As per the question, Claudia is considering age identity when she is wondering to associate herself to a particular age group.
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