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c) Whenever heartburn occurs (prn) Q.I.D.
- Antacids are OTC drugs (no prescription needed) used to treat heartburn. They are usually salts (aluminium, calcium or magnesium) that neutralize the excess of acid in the stomach.
- Examples of antacids are: Pepto Bismol (P&G), Maalox (SANOFI) and Tums (GSK)
- There are other types of medications that control heartburn, but they do it through a different mechanism: instead of neutralizing the excess of acid, they inhibit the production of acid in the stomach. These are: PPIs (Proton Pump Inhibitors) and H2 inhibitors/blockers. These medications have important side effects and interactions, which is why they shouldn't be taken instead of an antacid to relief sporadic heartburn symptoms.
- Ranitidine (Zantac, by SANOFI) is an example of an H2 inhibitor, and Pantoprazole (Protonix, by Pfizer) is an example of a PPI.
- People who present heartburn only from time to time and have no underlying reflux disease are not prescribed PPIs or H2 inhibitors. It is advised that they take antacids after meals when heartburn occurs, but not in a routinely manner and not for more than 2 weeks. If symptoms persist or worsen, clients should see a doctor.
- Diet and lifestyle changes are also recommended for people who present heartburn; these include: avoiding foods that trigger it such as fried and spicy food & carbonated beverages, eating smaller meals, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding smoking, and avoiding lying down after eating.
We get tired after exercise because our muscle fibers get tired very quickly. This is due to the major source of energy for the muscle tissue, called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. As the muscles make use of this supply of energy, they get tired and fatigue.
Each choice has outcomes that influence the individual creation the choice just as others included. These outcomes can be prompt or dependable. The outcomes of choices can be certain, negative, or a blend of both.