This righteous and lively indignation on the part of Californians after the long period of deathlike apathy, in which they have witnessed the destruction of other groves unmoved, seems strange until the rapid growth that right public opinion has made during the last few years is considered and the peculiar interest that attaches to the Calaveras giants.
Look for elements
Each genre has different elements that make it that genre, look for the elements of the story to find It's genre. (Fantasy= talking animals, Sci-Fi= flying cars, etc.)
At the end of the second one it is personification
28. <u>(c) hardly any</u> [cause 1/300 can be considered as negligible value]
29. The chart is not provided. However the answer is (b) [neither] part cause neither and nor are in pairs and can't be segregated.
Hope it helps ya :)