Safe zone
Hot (Contamination) Zone
This is often regarded as an area of where contamination is said to be.present. Personnel are therefore mandated to wear appropriate protective gear
Warm (Control) Zone
This is often refered to as a zone or a
Area that is around (surrounding) the contamination zone. It is important to control or prevent ths spread of contamination. Therefore, Personnels are mandated also to wear appropriate protective gear. Lifesaving emergency care is performed.
Cold (Safe) Zone
This is an area where is said to be normal triage, stabilization, and treatment is performed. Regarded as Rescuers
I cant really write up a paragraph for you, but if you look up the topic you'll see information that could really help
Radiation therapy.
Targeted drug therapy.
Are a few ways they will treat or get rid of cancer.
But this dose not aways work.
The transfiguration of Jesus is a story told in the New Testament when Jesus is transfigured and becomes radiant in glory upon a mountain. ... Many Christian traditions, including the Eastern Orthodox, Catholic Church and Anglican churches, commemorate the event in the Feast of the Transfiguration, a major festival.