The panel is made up of three judges working together. All three will review the case and render a decision. To reach their decision, the panel votes. The majority vote rules.
Power, wealth and morality are all elements of governance which impacts greatly on the growth an economy.
Explanation: in a Democratic government the power is distributed equally amongst the members of a government which helps in coordinating the activities of the elected as their power is limited.
Wealth tends to be availability of essential amenities and relative fairness in condition of living of the masses. Wealth as a parameter for growth is a suitably qualified economic index.
Morality affects growth in such a way that if corruption is enabled in governance then the economy is affected direly as resources meant for economic development are diverted.
because conflict can harm to anyone. conflict is very bad. it creates voilence in our society .
Identity: In psychology, the term identity is considered as part of the fifth stage of Erikson's theory i.e, the theory of psychosocial stages and falls under the identity versus role confusion. This stage starts from the age between twelve to nineteen years and usually occur during adolescents period.
According to Erikson, an adolescent seeks to develop a "sense of self" at this stage and try different behaviors, roles, and activities. However, this stage is considered as important in developing a strong identity and a sense of 'direction' in an adolescent's life.
In the question above, Erikson would say she is building her sense of identity.