1) Having access to goods not produced in the country: for example, an individual might want to have access to a book in a foreign language, but this book is not printed in their country - so they can import it
2) The Individual has a bigger choice and can have access to more satisfying goods - for example importing chocolate from foreign countries means that there will be more choice and that the individuals can explore their preferences.
White and wealthy people. typically people who owned land.
Kelompok masyarakat yang berperan besar dalam gerakan reformasi pada tahun 1998 berasal dari kalangan : Mahasiswa
Sebelum kerusuhan tahun 1998, demo besar - besaran terjadi secara serentak di berbagai macam universitas, baik swasta maupun negeri. Selain itu, mahasiswa juga yang berdemo di depan istana kenegaraan demi melengserkan pemerintahan soeharto
I don’t know what race format is but one thing that could’ve been done to make the byzantine empire last longer is not extending their territory so much, because in the end they were not able to control all that land when they were being attacked by outside states.
Poor European people and the Japanese, who want a new opportunity in places like the USA and Brazil. Mostly people from germany, Italy and Poland left their countries to try their luck in the vastness of the new lands. In America we can also include Irish people.