They both are the second to last anwsers
In life, muscle cells contract and relax due to the actions of two filamentous proteins (actin and myosin), which slide along each other. After death, the cells are depleted of their energy source and the protein filaments become locked in place. This causes the muscles to become rigid and locks the joints.
<span>no because organisms such as humans are omnivores they can eat both meat and plants and may act as 1st,2nd or 3rd level heterotroph.</span>
Seymour Benzer used phage T4 mutants, Experimental
evidence that a gene is a linear sequence of nucleotide pairs. Some regions of
chromosomes have "hot spots" for mutations. Benzer's experimental
approach to fine structure mapping of the rII locus. Generated 1612 spontaneous point mutations
and several deletions in rII locus identified two complementation groups, rIIA
and rIIB. Mapped locations of deletions
relative to each other using recombination.
Mapped locations of point mutations relative to the deletions. Tested
for recombination between all point mutations within the same complementation