After you submit your loan application, the lender does an extensive check on your finances and credit record. If everything checks out, the lender will state the exact amount they're willing to loan you. The preapproval is good for a set amount of time, usually 60–90 days.
answer is 19.
Step-by-step explanation:
see picture for explanation.
hope it helps you.
We have to choose the correct answer and to show what is 64 x^12 - 1,000 written as a difference of cubes.
64 = 4^3
x^12 = ( x^4 )^3
1,000 = 10^3
64 x^12 - 1,000 = ( 4 x^4 )^3 - 10^3
C ) ( 4 x^4 )^3 - 10^3
Answer: 0.6
Step-by-step explanation: First, you want so seperate the equations in parenthesis to make solving the equation easier.
(-2/3x-9/8x )-(4/5x)-(1)
So (-2/3x-9/8x) equals -11/24x
And -11/24x-4/5x equals -151/120x
So -151/120x-1 ends up being 0.6.
No there is nothing here please provide answers