A fraction is a short way to write a division problem. When you see a fraction, it means "the top number divided by the bottom number".
When you actually DO the division, the answer is the decimal that's equal to the fraction.
Hey There!!
Your best answer will be A.
Step-by-step explanation:
Because, The SAS stands for Side Angle Side if you need two sides and then the angle needs to be between them.
The first one works because the angle is in-between the 2 sides. The second one really doesn't work very well. Because, It actually have 2 angles and it only need one. Well, The third one it doesn't work because the angle isn't between from both sides. The fourth one doesn't work at all they are only sides and no angles. Hope This helps <3!!
The travels you have described are:
(Middle floor) + 8 + 5 - 9 + 7 - 32
= (middle floor) + 20 - 41
= (middle floor) - 21 brought her to floor #1.
So Middle floor - 21 = 1
Add 21 to each side: Middle floor = 22
The building has (2 x middle floor) = 44 floors.
6914 is 4 with a remainder of 13
Step-by-step explanation: