William T. Sherman
Union General William T. Sherman's March to the Sea was a step towards building a fear among the civilians. Along with his soldiers he wanted the civilians of Georgia to abandon the Confederate cause. They didn't harmed the towns but set fire on some of the houses of the people. They also looted the eatery and livestock of the people. His intension was to show the people a glimpse of what a war brings in reality. This step brought a quick end to the Civil War.
The Iron Curtain was a problem because it blockaded access to East Berlin and prevented the free flow of Germans across the borders between East and West Germany. More broadly it prevented the movement of ideas and peoples across this artificially created boundary. And more importantly than that it signified the dividing line of the Cold War between Western Europe and the United States and the Soviet Union which had a major impact on fomenting mistrust and conflict.
C. the Industrial Revolution in England
The industrial revolution occured in England between 1760 and 1820 to 1840, and it signifies a major turning point in the world economy as it spread from Britain to other parts of the world.The industrial revolution brought about a shift from old production methods such as hand-crafting to new manufacturing processes like the use of machines, developing machine tools, increasing usage of water and steam power all of which made mass production possible. The revolution also led to a consistent increase in average income, growth rate of the population and the standard of living.
In August 1786, Revolutionary War veteran Daniel Shays led an armed rebellion in Springfield, Massachusetts to protest what he perceived as the unjust economic policies and political corruption of the Massachusetts state legislature.
Los cambios estructurales restringen las estrategias competitivas existentes de varios participantes en las aglomeraciones urbanas de gran escala, y tienen efectos importantes y contradictorios sobre la base económica, la especialización funcional, el mercado laboral y su organización territorial, su rápida expansión superficial y nuevos contrastes internos. Este artículo revisa primero teóricamente los cambios económicos y espaciales que afectan al espacio metropolitano, y luego analiza la evolución reciente de Madrid, los cambios en la ubicación de las diferentes actividades y las nuevas formas de desigualdad.