Answer: Prevalence measures
The primary method that is used to measure the existence of states of a particular health or illness with regards to a population at a given time period is referred to as prevalence measure.
The prevalence measures simply refers to the proportion of individuals that have a particular disease at a particular period of time in a population.
Answer: Then, due to various conditions within the Earth, the existing rock was changed into a new kind of metamorphic rock. The conditions required to form a metamorphic rock are very specific. The existing rock must be exposed to high heat, high pressure, or to a hot, mineral-rich fluid.
The correct answer choice for the question: The popliteal pulse point is found on the anterior surface of the elbow, would be, A: true.
The popliteal pulse is the passage point of the brachial artery and it is in fact always found on the anterior surface of the elbow, medial to the tendons of the biceps. This major artery, the brachial artery, is the main vessel for the upper arms and it comes out of the axillary artery. As it tranverses down the upper arms, it reaches the cubital fossa of the elbow, where it divides into the radial and the ulnar arteries. When measuring blood pressure, it is usually this artery that is sought out and its sounds can be heard with a sthetoscope, and when using a sphygmomanometer, or blood presure cuff.
written statement detailing a person's desires regarding their medical treatment in circumstances in which they are no longer able to express informed consent, especially an advance directive.