ASCII character set.
ASCII is an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange and it was developed from a telegraph code. It is typically a character encoding standard that comprises of seven-bit (7-bit) set of codes.
ASCII character set is the character encoding standard that enables up to 128 different commonly used characters, numbers and symbols to be used in electronic communication systems. The ASCII character set is only used for encoding English language and it comprises of both the lower case and upper case letters of the 26 alphabets, number 0 to 9 and symbols.
Advantages: computers don't make human error
It can be used for communication
Ease of access
Disadvantages: computers can be a distraction
Potential loss of privacy
It can limit learning and create a dependency
I grew up in the early internet stages. when i was young we would always have to sit at school, meetup somewhere, in town, or use the home phone. But when the internet was invented we could talk to each other through our computers at home. Old computers were so bulky and slow, but that was the coolest thing around. Now i can sit at home with my 20'' moniter on my 5g wifi and talking to my friends like theres no tomorrow. The internet has changed so much in the last years. If you were gonna tell me that one day ill be sitting at home playing games online and working from home on a laptop i would have told you that you were crazy.
I would have to say C.
Feel free to correct me if i'm wrong :)
Hope this helps
For me its chart graph because you're able to visualize the given numbers and its not confusing