lungs and kidneys
The median plane divides the body into two halves through a mid line.
The transverse plain is also known as the axial plane and it divided the body into the upper part and a lower part.
The frontal plane is also known as the coronal plane. It divided the body into the dorsal and ventral sections. The dorsal and ventral sections are the front and back sections ( belly and back).
Lungs and kidneys are the only parts which cannot be seen through all the three plains.
the population is polymorphic.
Polymorphism is the discontinuous genetic variation that leads to the production of varying unique kinds or forms of individuals within the population of an individual species.
Take for instance, allelic polymorphism is seen in the presence of multiple alleles that is produced within the members of an individual species as in peppered moths, human blood groups, and two-spotted ladybugs.
We have different causes of polymorphism: polymorphism can be sustained by an equity among variation developed by new mutations and natural selection. Genetic variation might be due to frequency-dependent selection.
Mammals are adapted to live in D - all of the above. Mammals are, infact, very versatile groups of species which have evolved in a way that also itself enables their versatility. For this reason, mammals have been able to roam the different parts of Earth and thrive in that environment.