I think this is true because as you get older (like really old) a lot of things in your body start to slow down.
Eating contaminated food
Well sneezing into the sleeve of your shirt does help decrease spread of a disease and is reccomended as we are in a pandemic at the moment. washing your hands before eating is getting rid of germs but that doesn't mean that there arent other people that are sick but doesnt not help spread a disease. Staying at home when you're sick is quarantining and that helps you recover and does not spread the disease as easily. So you are left with the answer of eating contaminated food.
Topography- a schema of a structural entity, as of the mind, a field of study, or society, reflecting a division into distinct areas having a specific relation or a specific position relative to one <span>another.
Elevation-</span><span>the state of being elevated.
There is many more for elevation just search up elevation define and there should be a dictionary website to define for you. In scientific ways :)</span>
Porque antes de tocar la comida siempre debe lavarse las manos
How do fish drown in the first place? 3 came back to life, well they don't need to come back to life if they cant't drown.